Jack of All Trades

That’s me. I have tried a lot of things. Cooking, building, teaching, painting, writing, sewing,crocheting, decorating, canning, gardening, and the list goes on. I am one of those people who loves to learn something new. I don’t do any of those things totally and perfect but I do try. It seems the more babies I have the less and less I get to do those things (crazy right?), but then again, I try new things to do with the kids too. I also love photography. At one time, 2 babies ago (see a theme) I had a business. But it became too much with the family and all the responsibility. So… now I do it for fun and for free for friends. It’s my FFFFFF plan. Get it? Yea, I know, I need to work on my joke skills.

Right around baby number 3 and closing up shop, I decided to home school my oldest. That has been… interesting. Fun, but a lot of work too. I will have plenty of posts here about how I home school with 4 kids. This has been a good second year. I really feel like we have hit our stride together, Number 1 and me. Who is Number 1 you ask?

  Her. My 8-year-old. Yep. I have an 8-year-old. Still blows my mind. She is everything a first-born should be. Type A, loves rules and order. High achiever. Good at everything she tries. Shy. An amazing big sister. And totally opposite personality of me. But JUST like my Lovey Hubby!

This is my Lovey Hubby, my Mr. Lister, my Hot Fireman, my baby daddy. The Man. So as the names hint at he is a lover, a list maker, a fireman by trade and the father of our 4 kids. We were married 9 years ago and have been busy, snicker snicker! We met in college way back when. I am still head over heels for this guy. Every marriage has its ups and downs and I hope to talk about our journey and how we got to the place we are today.

OK, back to the kiddies. Who’s next? Oh yea, little Sassy Pants.Isn’t she cute! And sassy. She is one of my middles. Always happy, smiling and sings. All. The. Time. If only it was always on key. Ultimate sunshine. Begs to go to school. Almost 6. Yep- an almost 6-year-old who is always happy. Pinch me. She loves to dress up, has since 18 months. She is her own person and doesn’t mind what others think about her. Love it.

Next comes….. SuperMav. Maverick. Yes, we are that stupid and named our first son a name that means we won’t sleep at night when he is a teen. Lock up your daughters. Seriously. He is TROUBLE. Well now he is trouble because he is almost 3. 4 more days and he will be 3. So he does a lot of yelling, kicking, fighting, dancing, jumping, and general trouble getting into all the time. ALL THE TIME. Take your eyes off for 4 min and you are asking for it. But he also loves to hug and snuggle too. 

And last but not least, The Baby. The last of the bunch. He is only 8 months and it has gone by so fast! When I look at him  I really wish I had a pause button! He is generally considered the happiest of the four.

So that is my family. We live in the foothills above Sacramento where gold was first discovered. I am originally from Southern California and miss the ocean. A lot. But this is where my Lovey Hubby works, so this is where we live. It is beautiful here, and we have 4 seasons! Wild flowers, rolling green hills, giant oak trees and cows. Our little family has been here 6 years and we are very happy. All of my family is in Southern California and we visit often.

I am going to use this blog as an outlet for all the things doing circles in my head. From parenting, to crafting, Jesus,  and cooking, cleaning, heavy thoughts and light ones too. I will be 30 this August and 29 has been a doozy so far. I really learned so much about myself in the last 6 months. I’ve had to deal with death in the family, the unknown, illness, anger, anxiety and so much more. I hope to talk about all of these things and what I have learned. I have read a couple of books that I will be discussing too. Are you ready?